Sarah Joy Garcia was exposed to the world of beauty at a young age. Her mother was a model and was formally trained as a makeup artist. Sarah developed an interest in this industry at the age of thirteen, starting with her pursuit to be a model. She soon realized that her passion was not to be in front of the camera, but to be behind the scenes developing the photo with her creative talent of enhancing beauty.
Highly recognized from a young age, Sarah’s eye for beauty astounded others around her, they drew near to her talented hands. Her work started by doing makeup and hair for Proms and other school events, then progressed into doing weddings. Sarah soon got recognized for her stunning work in photography, for local indie artists.
Her focus is to enhance beauty while maintaining healthy and balanced skin. Sarah identifies, for each client, what feeling it is they want to portray for the event, occasion, or audience, while educating them on the importance of maintaining the health of their skin. She continues to meet this requirement for each client, which has earned her an excellent reputation.
This is beautiful make-up!